Company details
These are the business data of Grenzeloos Maastricht BV.
VAT number: 858859178B01
Chamber of Commerce number: 71812954
Code Social Enterprises
Grenzeloos Maastricht is from March 1, 2022 included in the Register Social Enterprises with the status 'in application'. By signing the letter of intent of the Social Code Companies we commit to the application process with the aim of being includedorder as a participant in the Register.
What does the Code mean?
The Social Enterprise Code is based on the foundation of social entrepreneurship, namely impact first. The Code contains 5 principles that together show what social entrepreneurship stands for. The Cothe creates recognition and trust. Is a company included in the Register, then can anyone † from consumer to government and from employee tot investor † see that it, until deep in the fibers of business operations, it is a social enterprise. The Code is also a piece tools on the road to growth and improvement: social entrepreneurship is a process and in that process de Code acts as a guiderun.
For more information about our policy and realization, see also the information at the Home in the Netherlands Foundation.
Click here for statutes, policies and other documentation.